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Community Outreach

Free Medical Services

Twice a year, TMI, in colloboration with Omega International ministries and RCC, hosts proffesional medical personnel who voluntarily provide free medical services such as dentistry, blood checkup, eye checkup and pharmaceutical services to the members of the community. 

Why is this important? It gives a chance to those who can't afford healthcare to get free access to it and also raises awarenesss about the need to get blood tested.

We believe this will improve the wellbeing of the community and reduce the spread of HIV that is leaving many children children orphaned.


Food Distribution

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Going to bed hungry is not something that anyone would ever want to go through. However, many mothers start the day wondering whether they will be able to provide a decent meal for their children. And children too have to watch as their mothers toil all day long in vain.

TMI's goal is to provide meals to  impoverished people as often as resources allow. 


Why is this important? With the worries of food taken off their minds, women and children will be happier and fueled to work on their dreams.

Female empowerment Project

In most parts  of Uganda, hearing the words "Its a girl" makes most people sad that it wasn't otherwise. This gives you a clear picture of the kind of world they have to face. Many are denied education, forced into early marriages, and are unable to afford basic sanitary neccessities.

TMI aims at guiding both women and girls back to the truth of their worth, providing sanitary needs,  teaching them skills that can help them make some money and giving them the confidence they need to go through life.


Why is this important? Change the communities perspective about ladies so that they can receive the respect, care and opportunities they deserve. 



How You can Help




Support Us

Tell a Friend

Are you a doctor, a nurse, a counsellor or someone who just has the heart to help? Join us in transforming lives and bringing back lost hope to the orphans and the poor in our community.

Choose any of the projects and support us on that. Donate your clothes, a bag of rice, posho, beans, sanitary towels, matresses or simply sponsor an orphan through school.

We need all the help we can get and we would greatly appreciate your effort.

Yes. tell a friend, to tell a friend. Help us raise  awareness towards the issues faced by orphans and poverty striken communities. Let everyone know about, and support our heart of helping and transforming lives and commuinities

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